
The CLIENTREDIRECTPAGE component is an invisible component. When triggered the component request to the browser processing to open up the dialog that is passed via the attribute PAGE.

The page that you redirect to is a CaptainCasa page definition, e.g. you navigate to some page "/xyz/abc.jsp" - which is residing in the same web content as your calling page.

You can decide if to keep the current session or if you want a new session to be used for the redirected page.

Please do not use the page for normal page navigation - but only use for scenarios in which the full page that is currently loaded needs to be replaced. Example: some sever error happens on server side - then you may jump to an error page, and from there again to the e.g. logon page of the application.

Please note: there is a component CLIENTREDIRECTURL which allows to switch the browser to any other page. THe CLIENTREDIRECTPAGE component is designed to switch the page within one project.

Attribute summary

Typically used attributes

All attributes are

General attributes are



Attribute details


Name of macro that is used for generating certain attributes of this component. Please pay attention: the value of this attribute is read one time for each control and cannot be changed afterwards.


Comment that can be asigned to any component. The comment is not operationally used.

Any textAny text


Configuration information that is attached to this component. This information is not functionally used by CaptainCasa, but may be used for any application specific purpose.


If set to true then the system tries to stay in the same session.

falseNew session is created (default)
trueSystem tries to keep existing session


Link to page.


Reference to an outside object that is the content behind the component. E.g. a field is representing a certain field of a database table: in this case you could define the value table;column. The reference plays a siginficant role within the attributemacro management.

refOne reference
ref1;ref2Two references
ref1;ref2;ref3Three references


Flag that indicated if this component is rendered at all. If set to false then the component is not rendered - there is no component data sent to the client.

trueComponent is rendered (default)
falseComponent is not rendered


Trigger value: if the value changes then the component's activity is executed on client side. Use class Trigger on server side for implementations of this property.