
The CLIENTSECID is an invisible component that may be used to manage an additional layer of security. It corresponds with the server side class CLIENTSECIDBinding.

The server side instance of CLIENTSECIDBinding creates a unique id with every response. This id is kept in the client component and is sent back to the server side with the next communication round trip. The server side checks if this id was one which was actually sent to the client side and if it is not sent a second time. The id that is sent back and forth is part of the https-content and is encrypted as consequence.

Attribute summary

Typically used attributes

All attributes are

General attributes are



Attribute details


Comment that can be asigned to any component. The comment is not operationally used.

Any textAny text


Configuration information that is attached to this component. This information is not functionally used by CaptainCasa, but may be used for any application specific purpose.


Flag that indicated if this component is rendered at all. If set to false then the component is not rendered - there is no component data sent to the client.

trueComponent is rendered (default)
falseComponent is not rendered


Binding to the server side property providing and checking a security id. The property must be an instane of class CLIENTSECIDBinding.