Setting up a Maven Project

This documentation describes how to set up a Maven project for CaptainCasa.

Please use a CaptainCasa version higher than 20201012. There were quite some nice changes which were applied for CaptainCasa update 20201012 – a summary of changes is listed in the last chapter. These ones of you who already have used the CaptainCasa Maven artifacts should take a look into this chapter.

The setup of the project is described by using Eclipse as development environment. But the general steps are easily transfer-able to other development environments. - There is an extra chapter describing the configuration using IntelliJ IDEA.


Repository Location

CaptainCasa provides the following Maven repository location:



In this repository there are a couple of artifacts:




            /eclntjsfserverRISC       => CaptainCasa environment (RISC only)

            /eclntjsfserver_jsfimpl   => CaptainCasa mini JSF implementation

            /eclntpbc                 => Page Bean Components (addons)
           /eclntccee                => CaptainCasa CCEE (addons)

            /eclnteditor              => CaptainCasa Editor/Toolset



There are two artifacts that are used to set up your Maven project.

Project <==> Deployment Tomcat

By default the CaptainCasa installation comes with an own Tomcat instance running the application that you build. And it comes with some tooling (Layout Editor), that manages this Tomcat:

Of course you may also think about running some Tomcat instance which is managed by your development environment (in this text: Eclipse). But this is not the CaptainCasa-default scenario, so this documentation assumes to develop your project on the left side – and run your project in some Tomcat on the right side, having the CaptainCasa toolset as linkage between.

In other words:

The result is a very efficient way of developing user interfaces – which is not burdened by always running full Maven builds and by always deploying full systems to the Tomcat instance. - Debugging your application can easily be done by remote debugging.

Creating the Maven project - By CaptainCasa tool set

There are two ways to create a Maven project:

Both ways lead to the same result – the second one requires you to know about how to integrate Maven-project-archetypes catalogs into your development environment. So let's start with the first one:

Create the project

Open “File > New Maven-project” (or “File > New Spring-Boot-project”) from the menu:

The following dialog will show up:

In the dialog define:

Import the project into your IDE

Now import the Maven-project in you IDE.

Example: in Eclipse you need to …

Build the project inside your IDE

Now build the project so that dependencies are resolved and the result is written into the target-directory. Use e.g. Maven “clean package” to do this.

Reload the project within the CaptainCasa tool set

By reloading, the target directory of your project is copied into the webapps-directory of your local Tomcat and the web application is reloaded.

Creating the Maven project - By Maven project archetype

The same project can also be created using default Maven project archetypes. This chapter explains step by step how to do this.

For Maven-professionals – the ultra quick guide

You need to create a Maven project with archetype “eclntwebapparchetype”. The archetype is an extension of the normal webapp-archetype. It is contained in the catalog at - That's it!

For all non-Maven-professionals: the following chapter describes the creation of the project step by step using Eclipse as development environment.

Create the Maven project in Eclipse

The project is created in Eclipse. Select File => New => Project...:

Select “Maven Project”:

Store the project in some workspace, in this example we use the default workspace:

Now select the CaptainCasa project archetype: the dialog by default lists a couple of default archetypes that are included in some local catalog of archetypes:

The CaptainCasa archetypes are available via URL:


So open the catalog configuration via the “Configure”-button, select “Add Remote Catalog...” and define the URL and a text description:

After applying the catalog, closing the dialog and sometimes waiting some seconds you can select the CaptainCasa project archetype. Use the archetype “eclntwebapparchetype”:

Press “Next!” and define the Maven group id and the Maven artifact id. The artifact id will be the default name of your web-application and the name of the corresponding CaptainCasa project. So if you define “mavendemo” here, then this is the name of the project within the CaptainCasa toolset, and this is the default name of your web-application within your Tomcat (“localhost:50000/mavendemo”).

After pressing “Finish” the project is created. The nature of the project is a normal web-application project, due to the selection of the CaptainCasa archetype the project already contains the right configuration files in order to quickly start with first development steps.

Create the Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA

The following text is based on IntelliJ IDEA version 2020.1 (community edition).

Surprisingly there is an annoying issue: you first have to register the CaptainCasa repository in the settings.xml of your local Maven repository. Otherwise the project-archetypes that will be used are not found – even though you explicitly name their repository...

The default location of your local Maven repository on Windows is:




In this directory there is the folder “repository” which actually holds the locally stored artifactgs – and there may be a file “settings.xml”. If it does not exist yet: create it and define the following content:

<settings xmlns=""





















...and now you are ready to create the project with IntelliJ IDEA!

Select “File > New > Project...” from the menu and the following dialog will appear:

Select “Maven” on the left and select “Create from archetype”.

You now can add the project archetype(s) from CaptainCasa by pressing the “Add Archtetype...” button:

Enter the following information:

After pressing “OK” the archetype is part of the list of archetypes:

Select this archetype and press “Next”:

Define the name of the project and press “Next” and then in the next window “Finish”.

Update and build the project in Eclipse

Update the project by calling “Maven → Update Project...” after right clicking onto the project. And because this is a step that you have to do quite frequently...: keep in mind the short key to do this, it's “alt-F5”...

Now you can first time execute the Maven build to check if things come together as planned. Start the Maven build by right clicking onto the project and selecting “Run => Maven build...”:

In the dialog that pops up define “clean install” as goal:

Now press “Run”. You may have to wait a bit of time when executing the build the first time because the CaptainCasa artifacts are loaded into your Maven repository in the background. You may observe the execution of the build within the Console view of Eclipse.

Update and build the project in IntelliJ IDEA

Open the Maven view of your project:

Run the “clean” and afterwards the “install” task by right clicking the task and selecting “Run Maven Build”.

That's the Maven side

The project is up and running – and it delivers a .war file as result within its target directory. You now could manually edit XML-layout definitions (.jsp files) in the webapp part of the project, add images, add managed bean implementations, etc. - But of course we recommend to use the CaptainCasa toolset in order to more easily do this, and in order to deploy this to some Tomcat runtime in an efficient way. This is what the next chapter is about.

Import project into CaptainCasa Toolset

Start your CaptainCasa toolset, and Select “File => Import project...”.

Define the directory location of your project's root directory and press “Import”:

The project will be registered within the CaptainCasa toolset.


You now can develop/make your project with Eclipse/Maven and you can in parallel work with the CaptainCasa toolset editing dialogs (.jsp) and for deploying the application (“Reload”) to the Tomcat-runtime.

Some details about the Maven project

The pom.xml-file

The project contains a pom.xml in its root directory:

The content looks like:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""







    <name>mavendemo Maven Webapp</name>








        <!-- Repository for dependent artifacts -->












        <!-- This is the CaptainCasa version to be used. -->




































            <!-- PDF creation in grid processing -->






            <!-- HTML sanitizing -->






















            <!-- JAXB not contained in JRE from Java 9 on -->






        Optional CaptainCasa packages:

        eclntccee - utilitities + DB access/mapping

        eclntccee_spring - Spring integeration

        eclntpbc - Page Bean Components addon











































What is the basic content within the pom.xml?

Develop – Make – Deploy – Test

Develop & Make

The environment that was created during all this procedure now is:

The rounded arrows are showing the typical steps during development:

The straight arrows are showing what happens when a “Reload” is executed within the CaptainCasa toolset:

After the copying the “Reload” then restarts the “<projectName>”-web application by using the Tomcat manager API.

You may wonder: why are there three copying steps for loading the application into the Tomcat – and not only one, copying the Maven-target into the Tomcat-webapps?

The reason is that by this procedure the number of Maven builds that you need to do during development time is drastically reduced. A Maven build typically takes quite some time, and it is just annoying to execute this build after every simple development activity.

Due to the copying above the Tomcat is constantly updated not only from the “target/<projectName>” directory, but also from the directories in which you typically work in when doing UI developments. You only have to run a full Maven build, if really e.g. changing dependencies, so that new .jar files are to be copied into the Tomcat environment.

Use of hot deployment

Just as with usual CaptainCasa projects you can use hot deployment to significantly reduce deployment times. Hot deployment is activated from the CaptainCasa tool set:

Open “Configuration → Hot Deployment”...

...and defined the packages to be hot deployed (or “all packages”) in the follow-on dialog:

More details on Hot Deployment are contained in the Developers' Guide.

Updating the CaptainCasa Version

After having created your project with e.g. CaptainCasa version “20180102” you may later on update to a newer CaptainCasa version (e.g. 20180205”). For updating your project to a new CaptainCasa version you just need to execute the following steps: