Interface IPropertyResolverAware

public interface IPropertyResolverAware
During processing a request property values are transferred to managed beans. The setting of property values is done by a property resolver. When setting a property of an object then the object is checked if it supports this interface. If yes, then the corresponding methods are called.

Please note: the methods are called within the set-phase of the JSF processing. I.e.: at the point of time when the methods are called the processing is just about to passe one property value after the next. In case you start longer operations within the react-processing you need to postpone the execution of the processing into a phase after the set- phase! Otherwise you may operate on an inconsistent data image, in which one half of the properties that were changed on client side are passed, and the other half it not passed yet.

User PhaseManager to start certain processing in certain phases.

There is an extended version of this interface available: IPropertyResolverAware2. This interface not only gets notified on direct property changes within the current object, but also gets notified if there are changes in a sub-object.
  • Method Details

    • reactOnSetValue

      void reactOnSetValue(Object property, Object value)
    • reactOnSetValue

      void reactOnSetValue(int index, Object value)