Interface IWorkpage

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Workpage, WorkpageByPageBean

public interface IWorkpage extends Serializable
Abstraction of page/function that is started witin the workplace. Multiple workpage instances may be started, each one representing a function running in an isolated managed bean environment.
  • Method Details

    • getDispatcher

      IWorkpageDispatcher getDispatcher()
      Each workpage is associated with a dispatcher that manages the managed beans for this workpage. This is the dispatcher of the workpage.

      Please note: there is a dispatcher hierarchy - a top dispatcher ("#{d}") and there are sub-dispatchers, one for each workpage instance ("#{d.d_x}"). The dispatcher that is returned by this method is the workpage instance ("#{d.d_x}").
    • getJspPage

      String getJspPage()
      This is the start page of the workpage.
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      The title of the workpage.
    • getSelectorTitle

      String getSelectorTitle()
      The text that is shown inside the selector for the workpage. If returned as null then the normal title via getTitle() is shown.
    • getSelectorBgpaint

      String getSelectorBgpaint()
      Background painting that is applied to the title selector.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String title)
      Update title during runtime.
    • setSelectorTitle

      void setSelectorTitle(String selectorTitle)
      Update selector title during runtime.
    • getIconURL

      String getIconURL()
      The icon of the workpage that is shown in the task overview.
    • setIconURL

      void setIconURL(String value)
      Update the icon during runtime.
    • getId

      String getId()
      Each workpage specifies an id. The id is used to check if a workpage is already included in a workpage container or not. The id needs to uniquely identify the workpage with its content.
    • setId

      void setId(String value)
      The id can be changed during runtime.
    • isDecorated

      boolean isDecorated()
      Indicates if the workplace embeds the workpage into a frame with titlebar etc.
    • isPopupSupported

      boolean isPopupSupported()
      Indicates if the workpage can be isolated from the workpage container into a modal popup.
    • isPopupDecorated

      boolean isPopupDecorated()
      Indicates if the dialog popup into which the workpage is opened has some decoration or not. Only is used if isPopupSupported() is set to true.
    • setPopupDecorated

      void setPopupDecorated(boolean value)
    • isCloseSupported

      boolean isCloseSupported()
      Indicates if the workpage can be closed via a close icon.
    • close

      boolean close()
      This method is called from the workpage container when the user requests the closing of the page. Do not call this method directly at the workpage - always go through the workpage container using IWorkpageContainer.closeWorkpage(IWorkpage). The workpage might veto the closing by return "false" as result.
      True if the closing was successful, false if not (e.g. if unsaved data would get destroyed).
    • closeAndContinue

      boolean closeAndContinue(Runnable continueOperation)
      This method is called from the workpage container - do not call this method directly! Always go through the workpage container!
    • closeForced

      void closeForced()
      This method forces the workpage to close - there is no chance to veto.
    • getWorkpageContainer

      IWorkpageContainer getWorkpageContainer()
      Returns the container this workpage is living in.
    • reactOnDisplay

      void reactOnDisplay()
      This method is called whenever the workpage container is pushing this page to be displayed.
    • reactOnHide

      void reactOnHide()
      This method is called whenever a workpage that is currently shown within in the content area is replaced by another one.
    • reactOnBeforeHide

      boolean reactOnBeforeHide()
      This method is called before the workpage gets hidden e.g. due to user selection in the workpage selector.
    • reactOnReselectedInContentArea

      void reactOnReselectedInContentArea()
      This method is called if the workpage is currently shown in its workpage container - and if the user re-selects the workpage.
    • setWorkpageStartInfo

      void setWorkpageStartInfo(IWorkpageStartInfo workpageStartInfo)
    • getWorkpageStartInfo

      IWorkpageStartInfo getWorkpageStartInfo()
    • setParam

      void setParam(String paramName, String paramValue)
    • getParam

      String getParam(String paramName)
    • getParamMap

      Map<String,String> getParamMap()
    • addLifecycleListener

      void addLifecycleListener(IWorkpageLifecycleListener listener)
    • removeLifecycleListener

      void removeLifecycleListener(IWorkpageLifecycleListener listener)
    • getLifecycleListeners

      Set<IWorkpageLifecycleListener> getLifecycleListeners()
    • reactOnShownInContentArea

      void reactOnShownInContentArea()
      The page is (re)shown in the content area of the workplace.
    • reactOnShownInPopup

      void reactOnShownInPopup()
      The page is (re)shown in a modeless popup.
    • reactOnSwitchToPage

      void reactOnSwitchToPage()
      The page is requested to be shown, but is already available - so the workplace management switches to this existing page.
    • throwWorkpageProcessingEvent

      void throwWorkpageProcessingEvent(WorkpageProcessingEvent event)
      Throws an event and triggers the delegation of the event to all other workpage instances.
    • addWorkpageProcessingEventListener

      void addWorkpageProcessingEventListener(IWorkpageProcessingEventListener listener)
    • removeWorkpageProcessingEventListener

      void removeWorkpageProcessingEventListener(IWorkpageProcessingEventListener listener)
    • processWorkpageProcessingEvent

      void processWorkpageProcessingEvent(WorkpageProcessingEvent event)
      Process workpage processing event coming from other workpage.
    • checkIfWorkpageProcessingEventIsRelevant

      boolean checkIfWorkpageProcessingEventIsRelevant(WorkpageProcessingEvent event)
      For event listeners are supporting IMultiWorkplaceWorkpageProcessingEventListener: check if event is relevant.
    • createModalPopupInWorkpageContext

      @Deprecated ModalPopup createModalPopupInWorkpageContext()
      Creates a modal popup that runs in the context of the workpage.
      This method is deprecated because all popup dialog management should be done through page beans. It is still available for compatibility reasons.
    • createModelessPopupInWorkpageContext

      @Deprecated ModelessPopup createModelessPopupInWorkpageContext()
      Creates a modeless popup that runs in the context of the workpage.
      This method is deprecated because all popup dialog management should be done through page beans. It is still available for compatibility reasons.
    • assignIdToModelessPopup

      void assignIdToModelessPopup(ModelessPopup popup, String id)
    • getModelesspopup

      ModelessPopup getModelesspopup(String assignedId)
    • getModelessPopupOfWorkpage

      ModelessPopup getModelessPopupOfWorkpage()
      A workpage may be opened as modeless popup. This function returns the popup instance the workpage is running in. In case the workplage does not run in a modeless popup, null will be returned.
    • setModelessPopupOfWorkpage

      void setModelessPopupOfWorkpage(ModelessPopup popup)
      Function that allows WorkpageContainer to set ModelessPopup instance.
    • getStartSubWorkpageContainerId

      String getStartSubWorkpageContainerId()
    • getUniqueTechnicalId

      String getUniqueTechnicalId()
      Each workpage provides a technical id that is unique across all work pages. The technical id is assigned internally and does not provide any application semantics!
    • getExcludeFromSavePerspective

      boolean getExcludeFromSavePerspective()
      The workplace perspective management allows to store currently opened workplace arrangements as perspectives. The perspectives include the arrangement of workplace tiles - and the workpages that are currently started within the tile. - You can exclude the current workpage from being stored as part of a perspective by using this function.
    • getComment

      String getComment()
      Comment - the comment is e.g. shown in tool tips.
    • isBlocked

      boolean isBlocked()
      Managed at runtime by workplace management: if a page opens up semi modal popup dialogs then the page need to be blocked.
    • openSemiModalPopup

      ModelessPopup openSemiModalPopup(IPageBean callingPageBean, IPageBean popupPageBean, String title, int width, int height, ModelessPopup.IModelessPopupListener popupListener)
      Open semi-modal popup.
      pageBean -
      title -
      width -
      height -
      popupListener -
    • closeSemiModalPopup

      void closeSemiModalPopup(IPageBean callingPageBean, IPageBean popupPageBean)
      Close popup that was opened via #openSemiModalPopup(IPageBean, String, int, int, org.eclnt.jsfserver.defaultscreens.ModelessPopup.IModelessPopupListener).
    • isShown

      boolean isShown()
      Checks if workpage is visible to the user.
    • getClientName

      String getClientName()