Attribute summary

Typically used attributes

All attributes are

General attributes are

Attribute details


Binding to server side method that processes the events coming from this component.

The attribute value must be an expression.

#{methodBinding}Method binding


Special binding to componet adapter object instance on server side.

The attribute value must be an expression.

#{tobedefined}Binding to IComponentAdapter instance


If set to true then changes of the width/height of the component are animated.

trueWith animation
falseWithout animation (default)


Name of macro that is used for generating certain attributes of this component. Please pay attention: the value of this attribute is read one time for each control and cannot be changed afterwards.

The attribute value must not be changed once the component is created.


Background color of the component. Any RGB value can be chosen using format #rrggbb.

#0000FF30Blue with a transparency of x30.


Spanning of columns if used inside a COLSYNCHEDROW.

1Control spans one column (default)
22 columns
33 columns


Comment that can be asigned to any component. The comment is not operationally used.

Any textAny text



Configuration information that is attached to this component. This information is not functionally used by CaptainCasa, but may be used for any application specific purpose.


Description of object that can be dragged from this component. The description consists out of a type and and id. A component may have multiple objects that can be associated.

article:4711Example: article
file:harry.txt;content:Hello world!Example: Multiple object descriptions


Semicolon separated list of object types that can be dropped onto this component.

articleExample: articles can be dropped
article;customerExample: articles and customers can be dropped


If set to true then data changes within this area will cause a flush-rountrip to the server as soon as the user leaves the area.

trueFlush is done on data change + leaving the area.
falseNo flush. Data is transferred to server with next round trip. (Default)


Semicolon separated sequence of style class names that are applied to this component.


Height of the control. Either defined as absolute value or as percentage value. Pay attention when using percentage sizing: the size refers to what is given from the components above. - When using components within a grid (FIXGRID) then the sizing of the component is completely managed by the grid, you do not need to specify any height in this case.

100100 Pixels
120120 Pixels
200200 Pixels
50%50 percents
100%Full available height


Help id that is part of the online help management.

helpidId pointing to a server side online help file.
ccnof1helpExplicitly switching off default F1 help. This is sometimes required in case you want to explicitly react on F1-key as hotkey.


Reference to the id of a POPUPMENU definition that is available either in this page or in a page that includes this page.


If set to true, then an explicit roundtrip is triggered when the user presses the right mouse button in order to open a popup menu. As result you can define the popup menu dynamically (using DYNAMICCONTENT) and prepare the popup menu at this point of time when the user want to open it.

falseMenu is already defined in layout, no roundtrip (default)
trueMenu is dynamically created, roundtrip is triggered


Reference to an outside object that is the content behind the component. E.g. a field is representing a certain field of a database table: in this case you could define the value table;column. The reference plays a siginficant role within the attributemacro management.

The attribute value must not be changed once the component is created.

refOne reference
ref1;ref2Two references
ref1;ref2;ref3Three references


Flag that indicated if this component is rendered at all. If set to false then the component is not rendered - there is no component data sent to the client.

The attribute value must be an expression.

trueComponent is rendered (default)
falseComponent is not rendered


Rounding radius of edges of border/background. This is optical rounding - so has nothing to do with mathematical rounding...

0Straight edges
5Rounding with radius 5
10Rounding with radius 10


If more than one component is arranged within one row, then components need to decide how they want to be aligned vertically inside the row - in case the height of the row exceeds the height of the component itself.

centerCenter (default)


In CaptainCasa you can define styles definitions for components. A style definition is a definition of a set of default attribute values that are applied to the component. In case you want to differenciate between different usage types of the component you can apply multiple styles - and use the stylevariant attribute to select between.


Width of the control. Either defined as absolute value or as percentage value. Pay attention when using percentage sizing: the size refers to what is given from the components above. - When using components within a grid (FIXGRID) then the sizing of the component is completely managed by the grid, you do not need to specify any width in this case.

100100 Pixels
120120 Pixels
200200 Pixels
50%50 percents
100%Full available width

