CaptainCasa Toolset via Spring Boot and Maven


From topology point of view the CaptainCasa Toolset is a web application itself that can be deployed to any servlet environment.

“By default” it is part of the CaptainCasa-setup, which either comes as “setup.exe”-file for Windows system and which comes as “.tar”-file for Linux based systems and MacOS. During the installation a Tomcat instance is installed (directory “<installdir>/server/tomcattools”), in the corresponding webapp-folder you will find the “editor” web application.

But...: the web application is also available as “.war” Maven artifact. This “.war” file can be used in two ways:

java -jar eclnteditor_springboot-<version>.war




Of course the first advantage is: there is a direct, “lightweight” way to install the CaptainCasa Toolset – without the environment installation that is part of the default installation.

The real, important advantage is a consequence out of this: it is now possible to embed the installation and the updates of the toolset into the build of your project. Speaking “in Maven” this means:

Maven artifact

The Maven artifact for the CaptainCasa toolset is:





The artifact is a “.war” file – it is not a “.jar” file!

It is part of the CaptainCasa repository at:


Open the URL in your browser and you will directly get access to the newest version.

Embedding the toolset upgrade into project build

The following explanations are focusing on Maven-builds. If using Gradle as build-system then please adapt the few steps accordingly.

In your “pom.xml” add the following “plugin” definition:
























































The plugin downloads the “.war” artifact into the project's “cctoolset” directory.

Please make sure that this directory is available before running the Maven-build. After running the Maven build (“clean package”) you will find the file “cctoolset/eclnteditor_springboot.war” inside your project:












You may add a start script into the same directory, e.g. for Windows:







Content of start.bat:

java -jar eclnteditor_springboot.war


Result: due to the integration of the toolset download into the “pom.xml” the toolset will be automatically downloaded when changing the CaptainCasa version number “cc.version”.

JEE <==> Jakarta

Please pay attention: as with all artifacts of CaptainCasa there are two versions:







Configuring the startup of the CaptainCasa Toolset

The CaptainCasa Toolset itself stores some configuration data:

By default the toolset will store its configuration data within the default user-directory of the operating system. In Windows this is “c:\Users\<userName>\cceditor”. But you can explicitly define the location of this directory:

java -jar eclnteditor_springboot-<version>.war


You can pass the directory in two ways:

java -jar eclnteditor_springboot.war configDir=../cctoolsetconfig


By using relative directory definitions you can e.g. define the following scenario:










If starting the toolset from the “/cctoolset” directory, then the configuration data is stored in a relative directory accordingly.

Configuring the CaptainCasa Toolset

Compare to the “default” installation (“setup.exe”/”.tar”) there is only one issue that needs to be defined: the location of the directory into which applications are deployed by default.

This configuration can be done in the toolset itself:









Flexible definition of projects

When creating a project of when importing a project into the toolset then one configuration file will be created in the “/projects” directory of the configuration directory.

Example: after creating project “test” there will be the following file:





The content of the file is simple – it just contains the location of the project:

<project projectdirectory="c:/projects/test"




In team scenarios you do not want the location of the project directory to be defined in a more general way.

As with any other configuration file within CaptainCasa you can access system and environment properties by using “${sys.*}” and “{env.*}” definitions. Example:

<project projectdirectory="${sys.user.dir}/.."




In the example the toolset will read the project from a directory that is positioned relatively to the toolset directory (“user.dir” points to the directory in which “java” was s started).